Can anyone actually be talked through landing a plane in an emergency?

  Photo: 123RF An Airbus A380 Cockpit Can anyone actually be talked through landing a plane in an emergency? Bob Geary from Quora asks. I would like to discuss this hypothetical question of landing an A380 in 4 scenarios: Some movies have given the impression that an ordinary passenger with no flying experience can land …

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Can you breathe on a plane if a window breaks at 35000 feet?

  Aircraft’s windows are rounded Can you breathe on a plane if a window breaks at 35000 feet? Asnita Novi from Quora ask this interesting question. A commercial airliner’s window will not break in flight because they have been redesigned after 2 commercial jets with square windows crashed about 70 years ago Investigators into these …

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How should planes land in horrible weather conditions?

Use of Automation (Auto Landing) on an Instrument Landing System Most pilots make use of automation if they feel they are incapable of landing the planes manually in bad weather. Charles Raisor from Quora posed this very common and interesting question. Horrible Weather Conditions So, what were my horrible weather conditions? Well, amongst others, poor …

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The Sun has let me down!

Increasing my dosage of Vitamin D Being an ex-pilot, I have always been very conscious about my health. As such, during my recent full blood check, I requested that Vitamin D deficiency be included since Dr Fauci, the US’s top infectious disease expert, says it improves immunity against Covid-19 infections. To my surprise, the result …

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Who shot down MH 17?

Photo Sri Ramani – A Malaysia Airline Boeing 777-200  Introduction Yesterday reminded me of the 7th Anniversary of the crash of MH 17. It was a poignant moment for all those who have flown the Boeing 777-200 with Malaysia Airlines. The number ‘17’ seems to appear so coincidentally 4 times in the tragic event of …

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